X ray - Blu ray

 X ray - Blu ray (from Marie Curie to Mariah Carey)

 Blog : https://xraybluray.blogspot.com 

Twinspace : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/43751

Wix : https://perbosc007.wixsite.com/xray/project  

About the project

Timeline of inventions and catastrophes during the XXth century


-Improve communication skills (mother and foreign languages)
-Improve collaborative and entrepreneurial skills (flexibility, adaptability, ability to manage conflicts and taking risks)
-Enhance digital competences
-Learning to learn

Work process

(september to january)

Step 1
Students [forum] and school [Padlet, Thinglink] presentations
Constitution of international teams [google form]

Step 2
Negotiation and choice of the invention/catastrophe [forum]
Collaborative presentation of invention/catastrophe (photo- date - inventor - short description) [Padlet, Thinglink]

Step 3
Creation of the interactive timeline [TimelineJS] using a shared document [Google spreadsheet]

Expected results

Embed interactive timeline in the Twinspace